Hello friends!In the first letter of this year we have: digressions, drawings, notebooks, a strip, more digressions.
the anti-libraryWhen I moved to Porto Alegre around 2007 I took some books with me, but I left most of them in pellets at my parents' house.now they're moving to a much smaller place and there won't be room for my library.I need to decide which books I'm going to take to the puddle and which ones I'm going to have to get rid of.I kept thinking about which criteria to select: should I take the ones I've already read and that left a deep impression on me or should I just stick with those I haven't read yet?then I remembered this idea by umberto eco
[...] “You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you age and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly.In fact, the more you know, the longer the ranks of unread books.Let's call this collection of unread books the 'anti-library'."
I look very cultured quoting umberto eco, but never managed to finish one of his books...
monthly calendar:

a calendar for you to use as a screen background on your cell phone.the idea is an animal for each month.for february: i took a poll on instagram and the most voted animal was the capybara, wow, i love this animal!
notebooks: my father is the man with hobbies: he's always inventing different things to do and study and that's why the old man's new project is to make notebooks.Of course I got carried away and I got involved in his hobby: he assembles the notebooks and I draw on the covers.we are here thinking about name ideas and we already have a logo draft:

the idea is to make "collections" with different themes, different papers, limited edition (obviously) and sell online!let's see if the idea goes forward, because in addition to hobbies, another family trait is to start excited and drop projects halfway through...

at pelotas taking advantage of the old man's air conditioning, talking nonsense while he updates the buggies website
I found a niche on youtube that is relaxing music, like music to meditate, music to focus, relief for ADHD, etc.but the best for me are always the comments: some people tell their life stories, others give advice, it's almost a support group, it's beautiful.

I made a mini zine to give to clients on how to care for their new tattoo:

there was a series of drawings of the addams family too:

new comic
I decided to organize myself better for this new project, it's divided into 3 parts (for now): a Notion file where I put all the information, a word document where I'll write the script and a little notebook for the thumbs.I've never used notion before and I'm really enjoying it: I'm using a template made by rebecca mix and there are several to choose from. she's a writer and the templates are geared towards literature, but just adapt, I think it works well for comics too.I highly recommend it, it's helping me a lot.and it's free!it's almost a mental map where we can store all the information in the story in a more organized way.

I'm using the old man's prototype notebook to make the thumbs:

clica aí pra ler o resto I've actually been enjoying meditating!or at least try... I'm very anxious and it's terribly difficult to silence my thoughts.I don't really like these guided meditations, but I like the yoga nidra script (is that what it's called?) which is more focused on bodily sensations.focusing on the body over the mind works best for me.but meditation is something I've been studying a lot lately (hey doctor huberman) and hope to improve, as well as try some different methods.go samanta zen 2023 (okay, that's asking too much)that's all, folks!good rest of January to you.to close: the animal video of this edition: an excited parrot: um papagaio empolgado